
Posts Tagged ‘raven medicine’

Mood: Amazed
Listening to: Don’t Stop the Dance by Bryan Ferry
I just got back from the DMV. I was sweating the vision test part because, even though I can see as well as the next guy who never had Lasix surgery, I am pretty near sighted, and well, you know how that is. I was imagining all sorts of ridiculous tests and procedures – such as…well, nevermind. I’m not going to give the DMV people any ideas in case one of you is reading this.
Anyway I passed with flying colors – it was way easy. Funny how we stress ourselves out over the bad things we make up in our heads. And believe me, I was stressed. I love driving – and like many of us, would be at a severe loss without that privilege.
I got to the office and started thinking about a strange experience I had a couple of days ago. I happen to believe in the power of animal totems. An animal totem is  rather like an animal guide. The guide can be a real animal or the spirit of an animal. They come to you symbolically – sometimes for a few minutes to deliver a message, sometimes for a few years to teach a life lesson. And everything in between.
I’ll give you an example. One of my guides is the Raven. One day, after having lost my dad, and being very depressed, I came upon a beautiful Raven “beaking” at something at the top of a phone pole. I felt obliged to stop and observe. He dropped that thing which he’d been eating. I was across the street, but I heard a voice in my head say, “This is for you.”
I walked over, and looked. It was a quarter-sized piece of dry bread. I looked up. “Thanks. Do you want me to eat this?” I frowned, and asked out loud.
“You don’t have to really eat it – because it’s to feed your soul.” I heard the bird say, in my head. “Eat it’s essence and your soul shall be nourished. Then you can leave the bread to physically nourish another creature.”
I was awed by that experience, and quite frankly, though it’s fifteen years later, I still feel the love.
Anyway, a couple of days ago I was driving home, drinking a Starbucks coffee and listening to old-school rock. The first thing I saw was a large billboard that had a huge eagle on it. Some company called eagle something or another. Within a few seconds Steve Miller Band’s song, Fly Like an Eagle came on. Just then, a truck passed me bearing a rear window covering of a huge American flag, with huge eagle off to the right – you’ve seen the type, I’m sure. As I arrived near my home, I saw – you guessed it – an eagle on a bumper sticker, but I can’t remember what the bumper sticker said, sorry. Four eagles in ten minutes.
Today I looked up what EAGLE teaches us, and guess what. I could’ve saved myself some grief. It was about great vision!! I got my license renewed today, and passed the vision test easily. Like I said, I could’ve stopped the stress a couple of days ago had I just tapped into the message when I got it.
If you’re interested in finding your animal guide. check out this great link:
God Bless,

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